Seasons in the Kingdom

Seasons in the Kingdom

Saturday, September 29, 2012

NEWS WATCH - a few thoughts...


Greetings to those of you on my mailing list. Just a few thoughts about the ongoing bizarre machinations that the administration is going through to dodge the responsibility for the Benghazi fiasco and their overal failure of policies abroad. During this same period an air base in Afghanistan was hit pretty hard with loss of life and many aircraft destroyed.

Question: why has the media not covered this event? Is it the same reason that they continue to be spoon fed by the talking point wizard in the White House? We have all lived long enough to have experienced and to understand that the political powers, Right or Left, running the country will lie to protect their own political futures. See also for example the continuing struggle of many Korean Service Veterans trying to get approved for Agent Orange claims from the DOD and the hobbled response by our government to fulfill a basic obligation for them, Right or Left.

My gut tells me that we are living through another one of those times when the political and news outlets in support of the President and his party dodge and spread confusion and mis-information that does not let the public become well enough informed to see that we are being, essentially, lied to for their political gain. Obviously a benchmark has been reached that surpasses the everyday political speech that manipulates information for political gain. But, now, well, people are dying and our country has lost its footing in the world. I wonder why that doesn't seem to be an impulse against which the powers that be would respond.

In my lifetime presidents Johnson, Reagan, Clinton, and now Obama have stepped up to this dubious honor to protect or to push their misguided agendas. Johnson in Vietnam and the passing of social programs we could not afford. Reagan - Iran-Contra - enough said. Clinton - Lewinsky, again, enough said.

Obama's handling of international affairs has appeared challenged from the beginning, but the recent North African mess, the assassination of a US Embassador, and sundry riots and abuse of the US is heightened for me by the continuing bizzare talking points that dodge back and forth between an obscure film and the facts, leaving someone watching this political dialogue confused. It's clear, and was clear, that the events were a terrorist event, but somehow that clarity has not reached our highest office or those that read the talking points like our Sec. of State, Embassador to the UN, the Press Sec. or the President himself. And, in the strange twist of the evolution toward an Orwellian world made in the likeness of President Hope and Change, the presscorps doesn't challenge or investigate the truth that lay behind these events. Where's ABC, CBS, CNN, or well, NBC?

Go to the link noted above and read how during this same period, our forces suffered a severe defeat with the loss of several aircraft and ask yourself why you haven't heard or read about this information from US media? Because it points again to an administration and its Pravada like national media that is challenged by a world that will not roll over to have its belly rubbed. Distrubing, as it always is when our government for we many of us served to protect, lies to us. Google Camp Bastian and try to find a major US media outlet that shares a link that reports about thise incident. Slim pickings, and that's not the actor.

PS...I didn't include Bush above for the Iraq War because the Left and Right were both responsible for dragging us into a war for which they had no exit strategy and let us languish for 3 years or so before they finally came up with a manner by which we could pull out our forces. The story there, or in the Middle East, is a story that is not yet finished, nor our part in it, either as a bumbling foreign policy, or as we may be dragged into a conflict that our current President is unable to lead us through.

My best to all, Tim

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